UPDATE: Hazard Pay will continue for IPs through June 2021 at $2.54 an hour

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, caregivers have been bargaining with the State for protection, pay, and support. We’ve sent petitions, shared our stories, and sat (virtually) across from the State at the bargaining table.

Bargaining with the State this year has been very different than our contract negotiations over the last decade. The State is facing a multi-billion-dollar deficit over the next several years because of the pandemic and the economic impact. And they have already imposed furloughs – unpaid days off – on all state employees – and in negotiations with other public employees, the State is proposing wage freezes and even reductions in pay.

While others saw these wage freezes and reductions, caregivers didn’t settle, and we now have two major updates for all in-home caregivers:

  •  IP Contract. The arbitrator heard us and we won a wage increase of five times as much as what the State initially offered – we won an increase in wages of 3% across the two years of the contract. We also won continued affordable healthcare, credit for prior home care work experience, and paid holidays for the first time ever!
  • Hazard Pay. Caregiver Hazard Pay was set to run out at the end of September – but it’s been extended! For the rest of 2020, IPs will receive an additional $2.56 per hour, and $2.54 per hour from January through June of 2021. Just like with the previous Hazard Pay awards, we’re negotiating for extended Hazard Pay with all agencies next.

With the IP contract win, we still have a fight ahead of us. We need to demand that our Legislators fund our contract when they go into legislative session in January and make sure that all our clients continue to receive essential home care services. We’ll be telling lawmakers to fund our new contract, which will:

  • Increase wages: We’re getting five times as much what the State initially offered equaling to an increase in wages of 3% across the two years of the contract, which works out to about 25-30 cents per year depending on what step you are at.
  • Not increase healthcare premiums: Funding will cover expected healthcare inflation and our premium cost – $25 per year – will not increase, which it has not for the past decade.
  • Continue providing PPE: The State has agreed to continue providing PPE – at no cost to caregivers – based on public health guidance.
  • Protect caregivers with strong HADit language: Strong language in our contract will help protect caregivers from harassment, abuse, and discrimination.
  • Increase PTO: An increase in the PTO accrual cap from 120 hours to 130 hours.
  • Give caregivers credit for agency work: Starting on July 1, 2022, IPs will be able to get credit on the wage scale for work at private home care agencies. We’ve been fighting for this victory for years!
  • Include paid holidays: Time and a half for caregivers who work on July 4 and New Year’s Day

We won a better contract because members took action – emails, calls, and social media. Now, we need to do the same to fund the contract in the legislative session and to fight for revenue.

Letter to the Editor by SEIU 775 Caregiver, Laurel Jennings

During this pandemic, thousands of families across Washington are struggling to get by. I know this firsthand because I am one of the people struggling to pay my bills due to the rising cost of living. I’m a long-term caregiver, and if my hours get cut, I still need to provide for my family by putting food on the table and keeping a roof over our heads. Hazard pay has made a huge difference throughout this pandemic, and still a lot of us are taking out loans just to pay our bills.

This is why lawmakers should pass the updated Working Families Tax Credit — HB 1297 – so that families have additional cash to meet all of our needs. The Working Families Tax Credit will provide an extra $500 to $950 each year, which will make it a lot easier to pay our living expenses.

A recovery rebate through HB 1297 would go a long way with me. Flexible cash for us working families would provide help to the families like mine get by during this difficult time. This is why I urge lawmakers to deliver this relief to families. Pass HB 1297, the updated Working Families Tax Credit.

Read in The Everett Herald.

Letter to the Editor by SEIU 775 Caregiver, Barb McQueen

I’ve been an in-home caregiver since I was 17 years old, and I am now past the age when most people retire. At the beginning of this pandemic, our lawmakers called caregivers like me essential, and across the state we worked to keep our clients out of hospitals overrun with COVID-19 patients. And while we do this essential work, we’re also the ones who are paying outrageous taxes; way more than our fair share compared to our wealthy neighbors.  

I’ve kept working, caring for my client who also lives in Sequim, all through this pandemic. I have to keep working just to make my bills every month, all while also paying 5 times more of my income in taxes than the mega-wealthy in our state. It’s these few individuals in our state who’ve profited extraordinarily during the pandemic and its long past time they paid their fair share as those of us who worry about buying groceries or paying for a medication.   

I thank Senator Kevin Van De Wege for supporting the working people of Sequim, like me, by voting to add a capital gains tax on extraordinary profits (SB 5096) and strongly urge Representatives Mike Chapman and Steve Tharinger to pass it also. We deserve an economy and a tax system which works for everyone, not just the wealthy. 

Read in the Peninsula Daily News

Letter to the Editor by SEIU 775 Caregiver Julie Sparkman

I was drawn to Spokane for of its hometown feel and because I thought it was a place where a positive life was possible. Although I’ve never had any negative interactions with our police, I am shocked to hear that Spokane has one of the deadliest police forces in the country, ranking third nationally in the rate of police killings by population. (https://mappingpoliceviolence.org/compare-police-departments)

Our Legislature is discussing bills right now that would stop police forces from buying and using dangerous and costly military equipment, like tanks and shoulder rockets (ESHB 1054). I strongly urge Sen. Jeff Holy and Rep. Mike Volz and Rep. Jenny Graham to support this and other common-sense police accountability bills including HB 1310, HB 1267 and SB 5051.

I am a caregiver for two local young people with autism and this year more than any, they could use these funds to get the additional care that’s out of reach. We have serious needs in Spokane for housing, and people are lined up for the food banks. Our taxes should go to give people hope, rather than oppress and endanger them.

I’ve never seen a militarized police force that didn’t use their weapons. Even if I was never personally harmed, I don’t want to support a community that doesn’t help and keep safe all its members. Spokane has the potential to be exactly what it presents itself to be; and that starts with a police force that is accountable to our community.

Read in the Spokesman-Review

Los cuidadores lanzan la campaña “You Clapped. Now Act!” (Nos apoyaron con sus palabras. ¡Es hora de apoyarnos con sus acciones!) que tiene por objetivo detener los recortes en la atención a largo plazo y la aprobación de ingresos progresivos en el Estado de Washington.

Durante los Washington State Legislature’s Committee Days (días de reunión del comité de la legislatura estatal de Washington), los trabajadores de atención a largo plazo y sus aliados en todo el estado exigen que los legisladores detengan los recortes propuestos en la atención a largo plazo y que reparen el caótico código fiscal del estado.

Seattle, WA (12/3/20) – Hoy, los trabajadores de atención a largo plazo están lanzando una campaña enfocada en detener todos los recortes propuestos por el DSHS en la atención a largo plazo y la aprobación de ingresos progresivos en el Estado de Washington.

La campaña You Clapped. Now Act! (Nos apoyaron con sus palabras. ¡Es hora de apoyarnos con sus acciones!) transformará la energía de todas las personas que apoyaron a los trabajadores de atención médica al comienzo de la pandemia hacia la defensa de la financiación de la atención a largo plazo y los ingresos progresivos.

“Ser cuidadora implica que puedo ayudar a mi familia, pero cualquier recorte en la atención a largo plazo sería devastador para nosotros. En octubre, mi esposo fue despedido de su trabajo. No damos abasto”, afirma Brenda Morgan, cuidadora desde hace 17 años en Pasco (WA).. “A muchos de nosotros esta pandemia nos ha arrebatado muchas cosas, yo estuve a punto de perder la vida por culpa del COVID-19. Tardé cinco semanas en recuperarme por completo y, durante ese tiempo, no dejé de pensar en mi cliente”.

Los trabajadores de atención a largo plazo (personas que trabajan en nursing homes [asilos para ancianos] y proveedores de atención domiciliaria) siempre han estado en las primeras líneas de la atención médica. A nivel mundial, la pandemia del COVID-19 enfocó la atención hacia las mujeres negras, las mujeres de color y los inmigrantes que conforman la fuerza laboral de la atención a largo plazo, ya que trabajan incansablemente y con gran riesgo para ellos y sus familias. Los trabajadores de atención a largo plazo han salvado vidas, han evitado que las personas fueran a hospitales atestados, y han ayudado a las poblaciones más vulnerables de Washington a vivir sus vidas con dignidad.

A pesar de ser considerados como héroes, ahora hay 10,000 trabajadores de atención a largo plazo que corren el riesgo de perder sus trabajos. El DSHS propuso recortes presupuestarios para el periodo 2021-2023 por un valor de $1,100 millones en los servicios de atención a largo plazo que se les prestan a los adultos mayores y las personas con discapacidades.

“Mis clientes dependen de mí para bañarse y vestirse, comer, tomar sus medicamentos y acudir a sus citas”, afirma Gail Blake, cuidadora desde hace 11 años en Spokane. “Sin mí, no sé a quién recurrirían. Para mis clientes, no solo soy una profesional de atención médica: soy su conexión con el mundo”.

La crisis económica del estado generada por la pandemia representa una oportunidad para reevaluar nuestras prioridades: ¿preferimos realizar recortes a la atención a largo plazo, o convertir el sistema tributario más regresivo del país en uno más progresivo?

“He sido cuidadora durante 15 años, y he visto como hemos pasado de recibir un salario levemente por encima del salario mínimo a un salario inicial de más de $17 la hora. Pago casi el 20 % en impuestos, pero los millonarios y multimillonarios pagan mucho menos”, afirma Olga Garcia, una cuidadora en Sedro-Wooley. “Es hora de que las personas más ricas de nuestro estado paguen la parte que les corresponde”.

La campaña You Clapped. Now Act! (Nos apoyaron con sus palabras. ¡Es hora de apoyarnos con sus acciones!) pide al público en general que envíen cartas a sus funcionarios electos del Estado.

“Con los recortes futuros propuestos por el DSHS, ahora los trabajadores de atención a largo plazo no solo tienen que preocuparse por la pandemia, por las personas que cuidan y sus familias, sino también por si podrán o no conservar sus trabajos”, afirma Sterling Harders, SEIU 775 President. “Los recortes a los fondos destinados a la atención a largo plazo en medio de una pandemia es un acto negligente”.

Puede firmar la carta haciendo clic aquí, y ver los videos y gifs de la campaña creados en Vimeo o YouTube.

Antecedentes de los recortes propuestos por el DSHS

El DSHS propuso recortes presupuestarios para el periodo 2021-2023 por un valor de $1,100 millones en los servicios de atención a largo plazo que se les prestan a los adultos mayores y las personas con discapacidades. Para los habitantes de Washington, estos recortes significan:

  • Suspender los servicios de atención domiciliaria que reciben más de 10,000 adultos mayores y personas con discapacidades
  • Expulsar a más de 2,800 personas de los nursing homes (asilos para ancianos) donde viven
  • 10,000 cuidadores domiciliarios perderán sus trabajos, lo que resultará en una pérdida de $150 millones de ingresos al año para las economías locales
  • Los salarios y beneficios para los cuidadores domiciliarios que conserven sus trabajos se reducirán en $50 millones, una pérdida de alrededor de $1,300 al año por cuidador a tiempo completo.
  • Incluyendo los cambios relacionados con la elegibilidad y los recortes de tarifas, la financiación de la atención domiciliaria se reducirá en $200 millones al año
  • Incluyendo los cambios relacionados con la elegibilidad y los recortes de tarifas, la financiación de los nursing homes (asilos para ancianos) se reducirá en $240 millones al año
  • De manera desproporcionada, estos recortes afectarán a las comunidades negras, indígenas y de color, así como a clientes y trabajadores de atención a largo plazo.

Escuchar tantas cosas sobre el COVID-19 puede ser abrumador y es difícil saber en qué creer. A continuación, encontrará recursos confiables que estaremos actualizando continuamente con la información más reciente sobre el brote, así como las mejores prácticas para que usted, su familia y su cliente estén sanos.

Preguntas frecuentes

Pago por servicio peligroso:
Pregunta: ¿los cuidadores reciben un pago por servicio peligroso?

Respuesta: luchamos y obtuvimos el pago por servicio peligroso para que los trabajadores de atención domiciliaria de Washington reciban entre $2.50 y $3 adicionales en sus sueldos desde mayo del 2020 y recibirán dicho pago por servicio peligroso garantizado hasta marzo del 2021. Los IP reciben un pago por servicio peligroso de $2.54 por hora desde enero del 2021 hasta marzo del 2021. Obtenga más información en https://staging.seiu775.org/covidipbargaining/

Seguridad del cliente:
Pregunta: ¿qué puedo hacer si yo o mi cliente contraemos coronavirus o estamos expuestos a este?

Respuesta: esta es una de las grandes preocupaciones de muchos cuidadores. Lo invitamos a que llame a su médico de atención primaria o al del cliente y a que se comunique con el administrador del caso del cliente (si es un IP) o con su supervisor (si es un proveedor de la agencia). El CDC tiene una guía de recursos para aquellos que viven o interactúan de cerca con alguien que tiene coronavirus. Adicionalmente, el Washington State Department of Health (Departamento de Salud del Estado de Washington) creó un centro de llamadas para resolver las preguntas del público; el número es 1-800-525-0127.

Guía de atención domiciliaria sobre telemedicina del DSHS: consulte este documento para conocer una lista de tareas que puede realizar por teléfono o de forma remota, así como las tareas que solo se pueden realizar en persona. Si trabaja para una agencia privada de atención domiciliaria, consulte con el supervisor de su agencia antes de realizar tareas por teléfono o de forma remota.

Salud domiciliaria y el COVID-19.Pautas de atención domiciliaria: este documento proporciona pautas que el personal de atención domiciliaria, salud domiciliaria y agencias de hospicios puede usar para ayudar a los pacientes en el hogar y en relación con la atención personal o clínica.

Orden “Stay Home, Stay Safe” (Quédese en casa, manténgase a salvo) de Washington:
Pregunta: según las recomendaciones de la política “Stay Home, Stay Safe” (Quédese en casa, manténgase a salvo) y el social distancing (distanciamiento social), ¿qué deberían hacer los cuidadores?, ¿deberían ir a trabajar?

Respuesta: confirmamos con el Estado que los trabajadores de atención domiciliaria se consideran como “essential providers” (proveedores indispensables) y tienen permiso para seguir trabajando y prestando el servicio de atención a clientes vulnerables. Más adelante puede encontrar las precauciones que los cuidadores deberían tomar, así como orientación adicional de parte del DSHS sobre las tareas que los cuidadores pueden hacer de forma remota, y se les invita a que lo hagan de ser posible (por ejemplo, vía telefónica), con el fin de limitar la cantidad de veces que tienen que salir de casa y así reducir el contacto mientras siguen brindándole apoyo a su cliente. Si usted está en mayor riesgo (por ejemplo, es mayor de 60 años y padece una afección de la salud) y siente que no es seguro ir a trabajar, debería llamar al trabajador del caso o supervisor de su agencia; es posible que cumpla los requisitos para adquirir el seguro por desempleo.

Carta de permiso para los cuidadores por ser essential workforce (fuerza laboral indispensable): confirmamos con el despacho del gobernador que no es necesario que los cuidadores presenten una carta que confirme que son essential workers (trabajadores indispensables); sin embargo, nos complace proporcionar una, ya que muchos nos la han solicitado y sabemos que muchos de los empleadores están proporcionando cartas similares. Puede obtener la carta aquí.

Los índices de abuso doméstico se elevaron durante la pandemia del COVID-19. Los expertos entrenados se encuentran disponibles las 24 horas, los 7 días de la semana para hablar de forma confidencial con cualquier persona que sea víctima de violencia doméstica, busque recursos o información, o tenga dudas sobre aspectos de su relación que podrían ser poco saludables. Comuníquese hoy mismo con la línea nacional de ayuda para la violencia doméstica: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233). O visite la Coalición del Estado de Washington contra la Violencia Doméstica (WSCADV) para obtener recursos disponibles para los cuidadores en todo el estado de Washington.

Seguro médico:
Pregunta: perdí horas como consecuencia del coronavirus y me preocupa que pueda perder mi seguro médico, ¿qué puedo hacer?

Respuesta: hemos tomado medidas para garantizar que los trabajadores de atención domiciliaria que cuentan con un seguro médico otorgado por la Unión no pierdan su cobertura en caso de que trabajen menos horas como resultado del COVID-19. Los cuidadores tendrán que notificarle al Health Benefits Trust que han trabajado menos de las 80 horas mensuales como resultado del COVID-19, de modo que se les pueda otorgar una extensión de la cobertura. Esté pendiente de su correo electrónico para conocer la información detallada de nuestro Health Benefits Trust sobre cómo reportar que perdió horas y necesita esta extensión de la cobertura.

En respuesta al brote del COVID-19, la Health Care Authority (HCA) está tomando medidas para garantizar que las personas conserven su cobertura Classic Apple Health (Medicaid). Puede encontrar información detallada sobre los nuevos cambios en la elegibilidad aquí.

Horas perdidas:
Pregunta: perdí horas o perdí un cliente como consecuencia del coronavirus, ¿qué puedo hacer?

Respuesta: dependiendo de su situación, puede solicitar el seguro por desempleo, el seguro del L&I/compensación para trabajadores, la Paid Family Leave Act (Ley de Licencia Remunerada por Motivos Familiares), o puede hacer uso del PTO. Puede obtener más información haciendo clic en los enlaces que aparecen más adelante; incluso puede completar una encuesta que lo ayudará a determinar cuál es el mejor recurso para usted. Si está interesado en trabajar algunas horas con un cliente nuevo, también puede inscribirse en CarinaCare.com.

Personas trabajadoras:
Pregunta: debido a que bastantes personas están perdiendo horas e incluso su trabajo, ¿hay algo que podamos hacer para ayudar?

Respuesta: sabemos que muchos negocios han cerrado y las personas que trabajaban allí están sin trabajo. Nos estamos uniendo con todas las divisiones de SEIU a nivel nacional y otras uniones para exigir un incentivo económico dirigido a personas trabajadoras, mas no a grandes empresas. Entre otras cosas, estamos solicitando que todos reciban un cheque con una suma significativa a modo de reemplazo de los ingresos, independientemente de la ciudadanía o la situación laboral. Puede encontrar más información en protectallworkers.org.

Atención infantil:
Pregunta: tengo que cuidar a mi cliente, pero las escuelas están cerradas y tengo a mis hijos en casa, ¿qué podemos hacer con respecto a la atención infantil?

Respuesta: el estado de Washington ha estado trabajando en la elaboración de un plan para ofrecer atención infantil gratuita de emergencia a los trabajadores de atención médica que se encuentren enfrentando la crisis en primera línea. Nos hemos comunicado con el despacho del gobernador y el Superintendente de Instrucción Pública para dejarles claro que los trabajadores de atención domiciliaria y de nursing homes (asilos para ancianos) deben ser incluidos en los planes de atención infantil de emergencia y, ¡la buena noticia es que están de acuerdo con nosotros! La mala noticia es que la implementación de estos planes es demasiado lenta en algunos distritos escolares para casos como el suyo en el que sus hijos y sus clientes necesitan atención. Estamos presionando para asegurarnos de que los cuidadores tengan acceso a la atención infantil si la necesitan; le enviaremos información al respecto a penas la tengamos. Entre tanto, coméntenos si necesita atención infantil y no ha podido acceder a ella.

Atención infantil de emergencia del condado de King: los essential workers (trabajadores indispensables) que vivan o trabajen en el condado de King Y requieran atención infantil pueden ayudarlo a acceder a la atención infantil de emergencia gratuita. Obtenga más información aquí.


Los eventos más recientes de SEIU 775 Benefits Group por Facebook Live: SEIU 775 Benefits Group ha realizado un par de eventos por Facebook Live sobre el virus con la participación del Dr. Freddy Chen y la Dra. Leslie Phillips. Ellos abordaron la información más reciente sobre el COVID-19, y las mejores formas de garantizar que usted y sus clientes permanezcan sanos y salvos.

Guantes: los IP que trabajan para Medicaid y los clientes financiados exclusivamente por el estado tienen acceso a guantes como parte de los beneficios de salud de cada cliente, gracias al contrato de nuestra Unión. Para aprender cómo adquirirlos, haga clic aquí.

Prestación de servicios domiciliarios de cuidado personal y Adult Day Health (atención de día para adultos) durante el brote de COVID-19: lea las recomendaciones del DSHS con respecto a la prestación de servicios domiciliarios de cuidado personal.

Límites de horas extra para proteger a los padres proveedores y a los cuidadores que vivan en la casa del cliente: aunque no habrá una eliminación generalizada de los límites de las semanas de trabajo, desde el Estado se ha indicado que es probable que aprueben la exención temporal de los límites de las semanas de trabajo para las horas extra en función de cada caso, especialmente cuando exista una preocupación relacionada con incorporar a más cuidadores en un entorno de convivencia compartida, de manera que aumente el riesgo de transmisión del COVID-19. Puede enviar una carta al trabajador de los casos en la que solicite una Excepción al Límite de la Semana Laboral Específico para un Cliente (por su sigla en inglés CSWWL), a fin de poder exceder su límite de semana laboral y proporcionar todas las horas autorizadas de su cliente. Tenemos una plantilla que puede utilizar aquí.

Si presenta síntomas del COVID-19, o cree que estuvo expuesto a este, llame a estas líneas directas:

  • Línea directa sobre el coronavirus del Washington State Department of Health (Departamento de Salud del Estado de Washington): 1-800-525-0127 (atención de 6 a. m. a 10 p. m.)
  • Línea directa sobre el coronavirus del condado de King: 206-477-3977 (atención de 8 a. m. a 7 p. m.)

Encuentre en línea el Health Department (Departamento de Salud) local aquí  – Washington State Department of Health (Departamento de Salud del Estado de Washington)

Información en Montana: la información y recursos para los habitantes de Montana están disponibles aquí.

Recursos de SEIU 775 y SEIU 775 Benefits Group

Las acciones de nuestra Unión como respuesta a la crisis del COVID-19: conozca lo que nuestra Unión ha estado haciendo para apoyar a los cuidadores en esta crisis.

SEIU 775 en las noticias: lea lo que los cuidadores están haciendo y cómo nos ha afectado el brote del COVID-19.

Comparta su historia: cuéntenos cómo le ha afectado el COVID-19.

Acceso a las pruebas del COVID-19 y beneficios de salud: obtenga más información de SEIU 775 Benefits Group.

Reprogramación del examen de certificación de HCA: obtenga más información de SEIU 775 Benefits Group.

Información sobre entrenamiento y actualizaciones para cuidadores: obtenga más información de SEIU 775 Benefits Group.

Horas perdidas

Solicitar seguro por desempleo, compensación de los trabajadores/L&I, Paid Family Leave Act (Ley de Licencia Remunerada por Motivos Familiares) o usar el PTO:

Recursos de los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC)

Enfermedad del coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19): consideraciones generales e información del CDC.

Guía para instalaciones de atención a largo plazo y nursing homes (asilos para ancianos): información adicional para instalaciones y nursing homes (asilos para ancianos).

Recomendaciones sobre limpieza y desinfección: recomendaciones sobre limpieza y desinfección de entornos.

Cómo prevenir la propagación del COVID-19: información sobre cómo prevenir la propagación del coronavirus en hogares y comunidades residenciales.

Hojas informativas (multilingües)

Public Health COVID-19 Fact Sheet – Seattle y condado de King

Facts about Novel Coronavirus and How to Prevent COVID-19 – Seattle Times

2019 Novel Coronavirus: A Fact Sheet for Healthcare Workers – SEIU

Hojas informativas multilingües sobre el coronavirus – Washington State Department of Health (Departamento de Salud del Estado de Washington)

Vicki Bickford, SEIU 775 Caregiver, Letter to the Editor in The Columbian

I’m a long-term caregiver, I’m happy to help everyone in our community by paying taxes and I’ve donated more than ever during this pandemic. At the same time, the ultra-wealthy have profited to an unimaginable level from the pandemic, while paying only a fraction of what we do toward our safety net.

We could have that strong community again if everyone in Washington paid their share in taxes. But right now, our taxes are very unfair, with working people like us paying 17 percent of our income in state and local taxes, while the super wealthy only pay 3 percent. Our state’s upside-down tax system is beyond broken. The poor and middle classes shoulder too much of the burden while the rich ignore all the suffering. 

Our broken tax system started long before the pandemic. We must stop sacrificing people, and the safety net we rely on, so that the wealthy can get wealthier. 

One first step is for our lawmakers, Sen. Annette Cleveland and Reps. Sharon Wylie and Monica Stonier, to support the Senate’s capital gains tax (SB 5096). As a long-term caregiver, I urge everyone to make sure the wealthy pay their share of our recovery.

Read the letter in The Columbian

Montana Legislators,

We will talk about what we lived through in 2020 and 2021 for the rest of our lives. It was a year of incredible heartache and loss and sadness and loneliness.

But that’s not all the year was. It was a year when lawmakers and our residents showed up like never before and lifted up essential workers who were taking care of the people who are most vulnerable to this virus.

At the beginning of this pandemic, people across the country – including many of you – came together to clap for essential frontline workers like caregivers to show your appreciation for the hard work we do to help our communities. While the clapping has stopped, these essential workers are still hard at work.

That’s why we’re asking you: You Clapped. Now Act!

We need Agencies and Provider Rate increases not cuts because cutting long-term care funding in a pandemic is tantamount to neglect. Will you take action to support our frontline workers just like you did last year?

Lori Swartz, Missoula

«The proposed cuts to the senior long term care budget are only going to make the next 2 years even harder.  For my clients, they don’t get much help as it is now, and it would be a devastation if he lost any hours.  For myself, it means that at 62, I would have to look for another job in order to make a living. Please oppose any cuts to the senior long term care budget.»

– Lori Swartz, Missoula, MT

«Support us the way we never fail to support you, your families, and our clients and communities.»

«I’m Lisa Jensen, and I’ve been a caregiver for almost 25 years now here in Montana. I currently work with medically frail clients who need complete care at a group home in Butte. I am writing today to remind you how much we need you to remember all of us always, but especially during this Montana Legislative Session.

I love being a caregiver. Even so, I can tell you for sure that we do not make a fair, living wage for the important work we do. That has never been more true than during this pandemic. Way too many people think things like getting enough PPE, having access to hazard pay, and other things we as caregivers and our clients need is some kind of made-up joke. I am here to tell you it’s not.

We have had several positive Covid cases throughout my job’s network of group homes and other programs for our vulnerable clients all across Montana and also right here in Butte. If there are positive cases in our group homes, the staff there have to go into a two-week quarantine with their coworkers and clients to contain the spread of Covid and do our best do to keep everybody as safe as possible.

Yes. You read that right. Montana caregivers at our group homes quarantine for two weeks. They leave their families, pets, and lives for that long to stay at work 24/7 with clients that are often sick, scared and stressed out. Have you ever quarantined for two weeks at work? We have. And we’ve done it during the financial, health and other stresses of living through a pandemic. No matter what, caregivers ALWAYS show up.

Now, we need – we expect – all of you to show up for us. This isn’t about politics or what party you’re in. This is about the health and safety and lives of Montana caregivers, our families and our clients.

Please remember who you’re in Helena to serve and do the right things.  We need true living wages and access to good healthcare now more than ever. This pandemic has proven just how essential we are. Support us the way we never fail to support you, your families, and our clients and communities.»

– Lisa Jensen, Butte, Montana

Delphine Camarillo, Billings

I need you to fight for our clients so they have the hours for their care and I can keep my job and a roof over my head.  Please oppose any cuts to the senior long term care budget.  We’ve come too far to see our wages roll back now. 

Delphine Camarillo
Billings, MT

«We’re just now recovering from budget cuts in 2017.» 

«Caregiving is a challenging occupation because of the physical, mental and emotional affects that come with the job.  It’s physically hard because we are using our bodies as a physical assistance device in helping our clients with getting out of bed, toileting and any other mobility task.  They are constantly leaning on us for support, or we are lifting them. It’s real easy to do it the wrong way and injuries are common especially as you get older. In my prime, I saw it as great exercise, but after 30 years the body breaks down and you heal a lot slower. One time I tweaked my back in my sleep, and had to use a walker for a month. The work is also mentally and emotionally stressful because we’re constantly afraid of losing hours. Most of us are still living paycheck to paycheck, and some months it feels like we’re just treading water.  I’m doing the work of multiple professional people, but only paid a fraction of what they are worth.

COVID-19 has provided some unique challenges for caregivers. It’s hard for our clients to hear us clearly through our masks, and not being able to see our faces makes some of them uncomfortable. We’re doing it to protect them, but it creates a lot of anxiety because so much of communication is non-verbal.  Sometimes they don’t recognize us, or they forget that we are in the middle of a pandemic and ask why we’re wearing a mask at all.  I’ve lost relatives to COVID-19.  I know the pandemic is real, but many of our clients just do not understand.

At the height of the pandemic, caregivers were praised as heroes, but more often than not we’re treated like we are a dime a dozen.  Please don’t cut the funding for senior and long-term care. We’re just now recovering from budget cuts in 2017. That made life so much more difficult and we lost a lot of good caregivers that couldn’t make ends meet anymore. Budget cuts add stress to an already stressful job. When you cut our budget, it doesn’t decrease the amount of work we have to do, it just means we have less time to do it.»

– Connie Sharp, Glasgow, Montana

Most of our clients are poor and would be on the street if it weren’t for state funding. The budget cuts being proposed could be a matter of life and death for many of our clients. 

In 2017, we faced severe cuts to our funding, and we just got that funding back in 2019.  To turn around two years later and strip funding again is cruel and unfair.  We work hard and live simply.  Don’t take away our livelihood.  

Celeste Thompson
Missoula, MT

«Budget cuts to a healthcare system already underfunded just cannot happen.»

«I love being a caregiver. It’s who I am and the work I want to do. I strongly believe there cannot be any higher calling than upholding the dignity of our most vulnerable folks.

Over the last year, continuing to work through the pandemic has been an experience I had hoped to never have as a caregiver. My job is always stressful, sure. I often work 70-80 hours every week, not only because I care so much about my clients, but also just to try to make a living. Caregivers never make enough. Especially with the important, complex and challenging work we do. That is always true. That truth has never been more obvious than during the pandemic.

Even so, we all just keep showing up. Every day. No matter what. In fact, I was pretty sick this fall and my doctors were pretty sure it was Covid. I had a lot of the usual symptoms. The stress of having to face that was tremendous. First, I don’t have very good health insurance so going to the doctor is always a tough choice financially. But we are in the middle of a pandemic, so not knowing whether I had a virus that could kill me, my coworkers, or my clients, I had to go, figure out how to pay the deductibles and the copays, and find out. I even had to advocate strongly to even get access to a Covid test, since our healthcare system in Montana has struggled to keep enough PPE, testing and other necessary supplies available. I was very lucky. My test was negative. Thousands and thousands of other Montanans can’t say the same.

Budget cuts and other policy changes to a healthcare system already underfunded just cannot happen. I need you to remember me, other Montana caregivers, and our clients when you make these decisions.

Thank you for your time and consideration. Do not forget us.»

– Winter Maulding, Butte, Montana

We need more funding, not less. We need hazard pay through all of the pandemic, and we need and deserve higher, living wages after that. Do not forget about us. Me and my coworkers are taking care of your family members here in Libby. We deserve your help in taking care of our families, too.

Sharon Smith
Libby, MT

«I’ll lose hours one week, then get them back, only to lose them again the following week.» 

«I’ve worked at nursing homes, in hospitals, and have been a caregiver in one former or another for 38 years. Basically, I go into people’s homes and help them with all the little things they need to live – bathing, cooking, house cleaning, laundry, oral care, and shopping.  If you’ve never done this work, it’s not for the lazy or the faint of heart.

The biggest impact from the pandemic has been the loss of hours.  It’s been a constant battle back and forth as clients are in and out of the hospital, or just afraid of having someone in their homes. I’ll lose hours one week, then get them back, only to lose them again the following week.  You never know what to expect.  I lost my health insurance over it at the end of last year. 

It’s also hard on the people we care for because they are so limited in what they can do.  It makes them mad.  They don’t understand why we can’t just go to the park or the store like we’ve always done.  It’s times like these that our work is even more important. We are their connection to the outside world.   

I don’t know where the world is going these days.  I try to have faith that things will work out, but it’s a struggle to stay positive.  What keeps me going is the difference I make to my clients. I love helping people and bringing joy into their lives.  Everyone deserves that, and they deserve to be treated with dignity and respect.  I hope you will support this resolution and give all healthcare workers the respect that we have earned.»

– Audra Gairrett, Billings, Montana

When people think of front-line healthcare workers they usually think about doctors and nurses, but homecare workers are on the frontlines too. Every day, we work to keep our clients in their homes and out of the hospitals and nursing homes.  Without our work, the healthcare system would be overwhelmed and conditions would be much worse right now.

In spite of our sacrifice, caregivers are some of the lowest-paid workers in our community.  Our work happens behind closed doors, and we feel practically invisible.

Winnie Schafer
Wolf Point, MT

During the overnight shift at a Bellingham nursing home, residents have started dropping by the nurses station again.

Some are in pain from a recent procedure, or “sundowning,” a common symptom of dementia marked by confusion and restlessness as night falls. Others are night owls, or anxious from not seeing family members for so long. Still more stop by for no reason at all — everyone eventually has a sleepless night.

Shelly Hughes, a certified nursing assistant at North Cascades Health and Rehab, has vitals to take and supply closets to stock. But she is happy to see people start to come out from their rooms. She must guide them back — but this is progress. For nearly a year, the station has been quiet, as COVID-19 shuttered so much of life inside the facility and out.

Nursing homes have absorbed so many of the cruel blows of the pandemic. Long-term care facilities, which include nursing homes, assisted-living facilities and adult family homes, account for half the state’s now-almost 5,000 deaths, since the very first outbreaks in the U.S., in the Seattle area. Those rightly stoked fears about the virulent spread of the new disease and the vulnerability of so many seniors, often frail, living so close together.

“A year ago, being at work, it was scary and you never knew what you were coming into,” Hughes said. “You came in, and thought ‘OK, is this the day I find out we have an outbreak? Am I going to show up and be the only person here?’”

Read more at The Seattle Times

OpEd by Gerry Knight, Veteran, covid-19 survivor, and retired caregiver. He lives in Black Eagle with his wife.  

Great Falls, MT — Senator (Jon) Tester and I go way back – I know he understands that wages for working people is the same as weather for a farmer. Lousy income is like lousy weather, and without a sustainable $15-hour minimum wage, Montanans are in a lousy situation.  

My wife and I moved with the Air Force to Montana in 1988. In 1992 we relocated to Black Eagle because it’s a peaceable, comfortable community where we are treated more as a friend than a stranger. It’s a place where we care about each other– because just like in the military when one member is having a hard time, we are here to support each other. 

For many years, I worked as an in-home caregiver, as have both my wife and daughter.  Late this past year I came down with COVID.  Caregivers like me across the state put ourselves at risk to keep vulnerable Montanans safe in their own homes.   Yet too many of us still make under $15 – it’s not right.  

My wife still works, and like most people in our community, she only makes approximately $10 an hour. I worry about people in my community who are merely existing at these wages, juggling bills with nothing to fall back on, rather than thriving.  Having a more sustainable wage of $15 an hour would help tremendously. It is about getting by, not getting ahead. 

I am thankful that Senator Tester has always had a big heart for veterans and that he was able to establish the Veteran Support Center in Great Falls. A lot of veterans live in our community and I’ve been going there for assistance periodically.  

 A $15 an hour minimum wage would help Veterans and everyday Montanans. In 2017, the Economic Policy Institute estimated that 1 in 5 veterans nationally would also benefit from a higher minimum wage.  

Senator Tester has an opportunity to help not just caregivers and Veterans, but so many families in Montana by supporting a $15 an hour minimum wage. Raising the minimum wage could mean an average of $233 more a month for affected workers in Montana, according to a recent report from the Economic Policy Institute. This wouldn’t put money in the bank, but it would lower our stress if we had a little bit to fall back on. If we need repairs to our home or truck, we could meet the challenge.  

As a former small business owner, I believe this would be good for business. With a higher wage, employees are more apt to stay on the job, with more devotion to the company as a higher quality employee. The Economic Policy Institute report also shows that raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour would help 25% of 25–54-year-old workers and 23% of workers over 55 in Montana. This would be a boon to all Montana workers, not just recent high school graduates working entry-level jobs. With these wages folks are more apt to go out to do things, like enjoy a meal at a local restaurant. That in turn helps those local, small businesses. Families could purchase higher quality groceries at the local store rather than fast food that is cheap and bad for your heart. Flourishment is what I call it.  

A sustainable $15-hour minimum wage is the right thing to do for caregivers and other essential workers keeping us safe in the pandemic.  It’s the right thing to do for Veterans that sacrificed for our country.  It’s the right thing to do for Montana’s economy.  It is the soil from which a community grows, allowing us to weather storms when they happen and grow during the good times.